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What is cSurvey

cSurvey is a software developed for the design of cave surveys.
Designed by Federico Cendron and written by Federico Cendron and Petr Koveshnikov, provides an intuitive interface for data transcription, the analysis of the centerline and the design of plan and section.
Based on Therion calculation engine has functions for managing loops errors and many other sophisticated features provided by this engine, all accessible from a simple and uniform interface.
It has its own graphics engine for vector design created specifically for the unique needs of the caving survey.
The project is currently under development.

In this site you can find all the information about the project, its progress and the latest updates and, in the download section, you can freely download the latest version of the program.

The software and the site translation are in progress. Some pages are still in Italian only.

For information, questions and suggestions, please write to info(AT)csurvey.it
Any contribution is welcome.

Under the patronage of

Federazione Speleologica
dell'Emilia Romagna

With the contribution and support of

Bologna Speleologica

Gruppo Speleologico Bolognese -
Unione Speleologica Bolognese


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Continuing navigation authorizes the use of this technical information.
If you have any doubts clicks here (only in ITALIAN)

Thanks to Commissione Grotte E. Boegan and Fluido Tv you can see here a full cSurvey's tutorial: an (almost) complete video guide.
Click here for details.

Questions? Bugs? suggestions?
Take a look at forum
Sorry, most topic are in italian but you are free to write also in english...

Last update



  • fix bug with scale on pens that was not applied to spacing;
  • fixed problem with performance on add prefix function;
  • fix on 3D chunk align to centerline algorithm and added options to change chunk texture (original or by cave/branch).